Call for Paper - Special Issue on Machine Vision and Image Processing

Call for Paper - Special Issue on Machine Vision and Image Processing

Call for Papers

AUT Journal of Electrical Engineering

Special Issue on Machine Vision and Image Processing

Machine Vision and Image Processing have vastly changed human life in all different aspects. The ever-growing demand for improvement in the related fields has guided researchers to develop different methods. This Special Issue concentrates on the developments of different methods both from the theoretical as well as the industrial applications point of view. Authors from both academia and industries are welcome to submit their papers for this Special Issue.

The program committee solicits original research papers to be considered for publication in the Special Issue. The considered topics include, but are not limited, to the following research areas:


  • Image/Video Analysis and Understanding
  • Image/Video Registration
  • Image/Video Classification and Recognition
  • Image/Video Inpainting
  • Object Detection and Tracking
  • Application of Computer Vision
  • Image and Video Synthesis and Generation
  • Vision and Graphics
  • Low-level Analysis
  • Robotics and Autonomous Systems
  • Document Analysis and Understanding
  • Computer Vision as IoT Solution
  • Action and Event Understanding
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Applications
  • 3D Imaging and Depth Estimation
  • Metaverse and Vision
  • Biomedical and Biological Image Processing
  • Deep Learning for Images and Videos
  • Medical Image Analysis and Computer-aided Diagnosis
  • Transfer/ Few-Shot/ Continual Learning
  • Remote Sensing and Satellite Image Analysis
  • Deep Learning for Images and Videos
  • Segmentation and Feature Extraction
  • Vision Transformers
  • Image and Video Compression
  • Explainability and Interpretability
  • Compressed Domain Media Analysis
  • Domain Adaptation and Generalization
  • Learning-based Image/Video Compression
  • Compression and Model Size Reduction
  • Compression Related Standards
  • Multi-task Learning Self-supervised Learning and Unsupervised Representation
  • Perceptual Coding
  • Learning Security and Privacy in Image, Video and Vision Applications
  • Video Coding for Machin
  • Biometrics
  • Applications to Information Retrieval
  • Digital Media Forensics
  • Applications to Mobile Computing
  • Steganography, Steganalysis and Watermarking
  • Image Restoration and Enhancement
  • Trust and Generative AI
  • Image/Video De-noising and De-blurring
  • Secure Image and Video Transmission
  • Image/Video Quality Assessment
  • Transparency, fairness, Accountability
  • Image /Video Super-resolution
  • Federated Learning and Distributed Training

Authors should follow the normal procedures of the AUT Journal of Electrical Engineering for their submission ( Besides, in the cover letter, it should be noted that the manuscript is submitted for the special issue. The manuscripts will undergo the standard review process of the journal.

Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of the complete manuscript and track its status according to the following timetable (the review process will start at the time of manuscript submission):

Manuscript submission due:          September 1, 2024

The first round of reviews:             October 15, 2024

Revised manuscripts due:               December 1, 2024

Second round of reviews:                January 15, 2025

Final manuscripts due:                    February 15, 2025

Tentative publication date:            June 2025


Guest Editors:

Shohreh Kasaei, Computer Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology

Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran