A Comparison of Two Neural Network Based Methods for Human Activity Recognition

Document Type : Research Article


Yazd University


In this paper, two different methods of human activity recognition based on video signals are introduced. The first method explores the effectiveness of combining feature descriptors obtained by local descriptors and artificial neural network classifier. It is used in the traditional approach and the local descriptors extract interest points or local patches from the videos, and the feature vectors are later constructed based on the intrests, and eventually feature vectors are used as the input of a two-layer feed-forward artificial neural network (ANN). Experimental results show that using the HOG3D descriptor with ANN gives the best performance. On the other hand, deep learning architectures have attracted much consideration for automatic feature extraction in the last years, so an improved 3D convolutional neural network architecture is also designed as the second method. They are implemented and compared with state-of-the-art approaches on two data sets. The results exhibit that method 1 is superior when the shortage of sample data is the main restriction. It respectively achieves recognition accuracies of 97.8% and 99.8% for the Weizmann and KTH action data sets. In addition, method 2 is considerable for its automatic features extraction, and achieves an acceptable result with lots of original training data. As a result, it gets recognition accuracy of 92% for the KTH data set while this value is drastically reduced for the Weizmann data set.


Main Subjects

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