Reduction of Energy Consumption in Mobile Cloud Computing by ‎Classification of Demands and Executing in Different Data Centers

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Iran Telecommunication Research Center, Tehran, Iran


 In recent years, mobile networks have faced with the increase of traffic demand. By emerging mobile applications and cloud computing, Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) has been introduced. In this research, we focus on the 4th and 5th generation of mobile networks. Data Centers (DCs) are connected to each other by high-speed links in order to minimize delay and energy consumption. By considering a model of the geographical distribution of DCs which uses a wideband optical network, renewable energy and sharing resources for new generations of mobile networks, the real effect of issues on the consumed energy, cost, and profit in the mobile cloud computing are investigated. We derived a penalty function for cost and then by using Lyapunov optimization theorem; we designed an algorithm to minimize the average cost of energy consumption based on the online information in MCC. The time average cost is at most O(1/V) above the optimum target, while the average queue size is O(V). The parameter V can be tuned to make the time average cost as close to (or below) the optimum as desired. We designed three scenarios and two classes of applications to set up our simulation environment. The provided results illustrate the efficiency of our proposed scheme and validate the mathematical model.


Main Subjects

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