Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Photonic Crystals for Extreme-UV Photonics ‎based on Comprehensive Dielectric Function Modeling

Document Type : Research Article



2 Tarbiat Modares University


Our latest study builds upon our previous research on multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by ‎exploring the photonic responses of regularly β-aligned arrays of these nanotubes. Through extensive ‎calculations using the Finite Difference Time Domain Method, we determined that MWCNT-based ‎photonic crystals possess significant Bragg reflections of up to 80% without experiencing substantial ‎attenuation, even at wavelengths as low as 17 nm. This discovery is of great significance, as traditional ‎materials have not been able to scatter UV photons within this frequency range efficiently. Following ‎extensive research, we analyzed various model parameters such as lattice periodicity, inner and outer ‎radii of MWCNTs, and the polarization (TM or TE) and direction (Γ-X or Γ-M) of the incident wave. ‎Our findings present promising implications for advancing ultra-high-frequency photon manipulation ‎in EUV applications, with potential developments ranging from UV laser mirrors to EUV lithography ‎lenses, and beyond to UV spectroscopy collimators.‎


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